TriDot is the Obvious and
Automatic Choice
It uses your biometrics and training data and its Optimized Training technology to deliver your best results in less time with fewer injuries. TriDot is passionate about helping people improve and succeed. TriDot offers a multitude of free educational resources in a variety of formats, including the top-ranked TriDot Podcast, and boasts a vibrant worldwide user group.
Learn More About Optimized Training
TriDot is a performance science division of Predictive Fitness®. TriDot leverages its proprietary, patent-pending nSight™ technology based on ongoing research and development that began in 2005. It’s comprised of a high-quality proprietary dataset of biometrics and performance data from more than 35 million optimized training sessions from more than 100,000 athletes worldwide. Data is acquired and analyzed using sophisticated data-normalizing technologies and numerous analytical and prescriptive capabilities such as data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other advanced analytics.
Learn More About Predictive Fitness®
TriDot's Companion App
RaceX® delivers Optimized Race Execution. What TriDot is to training, RaceX is to racing. TriDot maximizes your fitness given your available training time. RaceX minimizes your race time given your available fitness.
Learn More About RaceX®

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