A new week, a new integration! Zwift and TriDot have joinedforces for a top notch indoor training experience. On this episode, Zwift'sGlobal Product MarketingSpecialist, Joseph "Joe" Battisti, and 5x WorldChampion, Craig "Crowie" Alexander, join host Andrew Harley to revealhow this integration strengthens and motivates your cycling. After loggingnumerous and mundane indoor miles, Joe found Zwift as an entertainingoption for his own training and now excitedly helps other athletes explorethe playground in their pain-cave. As Joe and Craig talk about how Zwift canmake indoor training more fun, Craig also provides training tips tomake these sessions incredibly powerful (pun intended). From the convenienceand efficiency of indoor training to the effectiveness of the workouts, theZwift and TriDot combination will help you nail your next indoor trainingsessions. Will a TriDot cycling jersey be available? Listen in to find out theanswer...and more!


Big thanks to Precision Fuel & Hydrationfor partnering with us on this episode! Head overto https://visit.pfandh.com/tridot and check out the FuelPlanner to get your free personalized fuel and hydration strategy and adiscount on your first order.

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