ironman u is the gold standard of triathlon coach certification.
IRONMAN U is the Official Coach Certification Program of IRONMAN® and the gold standard of professional triathlon coach certification. The program ensures coaches are educated, experienced, and equipped to provide high-quality coaching services.
IRONMAN U Certified Coaches have access to experts, comprehensive resources, and a robust, supportive community of coaches worldwide. Start your IRONMAN U coach certification journey today.
40% OF ATHLETES PARTICIPATING IN AN IRONMAN OR IRONMAN 70.3 invest in structured training.
Experience the Benefits of IRONMAN U Certification
on-site support programs
start your coaching journey today!
1. get certified
How much you choose to take advantage of IRONMAN U's benefits and the associated educational resources is up to you. You can simply complete the IRONMAN U Level 1 Coach Certification Course and use the corresponding education and IRONMAN U Certified Coach distinction and marks to grow your business. Additionally, you can join the collaborative coach community and benefit from working with other coaches to expand your knowledge, increase your experience, and grow your business. Or go the distance and complete Level 2 and Level 3 certification.
2. engage in the coach community
IRONMAN U is supported by TriDot’s Coach Community. This supportive group provides coaches with business coaching, mentorship, mastermind groups, and other opportunities to work together to increase education and experience, and grow your business, in addition to the sport of triathlon as a whole.
3. embody the ironman u coach profile
IRONMAN U provides value to coaches of all types and with a wide range of business goals. The program's primary focus is on professional coaches who are: 1) Humble, hungry, "people people" 2) Intrinsically motivated to grow and connect, and 3) Passionate about helping people improve and succeed.
If this describes you, get started today!
ironman u offers three Certification Levels
IRONMAN U Coach Certification levels are based on the below key areas:
2. Coach experience (as evidenced by athletes and hours coached)
3. Coach engagement in collaborative initiatives to grow the sport
ironman u Level 1
Eligible for CBA
ironman u Level 2
ironman u Level 3