Yes. TriDot’s Premium subscription comes with a dedicated coach and regular coach communication. TriDot still optimizes your training program so your training isn’t based on a coach’s personal philosophy, theories, or what may have worked for them. TriDot uses technology to do what technology does best—analyze data—so coaches can do what coaches do best—work with people!
If you’re training for a triathlon and have limited time to train, then your training time is extremely precious. It’s vital that you’re spending that time wisely and getting the most from it. TriDot has a ‘low volume’ training preference setting specifically for athletes who are time constrained to ensure they get the most benefit from what little time they have to train!
TriDot has an on-demand support center, in-app knowledgebase, online resource hub, and full time support staff. Our goal is to ensure the support and overall experience you have with TriDot is as exceptional as your training results!
TriDot is appropriate for triathletes of all performance levels. TriDot’s algorithms are designed from nearly 20 years of training and race data from first timers to Kona qualifiers and every level in between. No matter what your performance level, doing the right training and getting the most from it is incredibly valuable.
A heart rate monitor is not ‘required’ but is highly encouraged. A heart rate monitor with GPS for run pacing is much better. For cycling, a power meter or smart trainer is great, but not required.
If you’re not satisfied with your results or service in any way, please let us know through one of our many support channels. We’d love the opportunity to make things right. TriDot subscriptions are pay-as-you-go with no long-term commitment, so you’re able to cancel at any time and for any reason.
Your TriDots are measures of your threshold ability in each discipline on a 1 – 100 scale where 100 is world-class performance.
With this cross-discipline scale, your SwimDot, BikeDot, and RunDot quantify your relative threshold performance ability for each discipline. These relative differences allow us to focus your training proportionally on where you have the greatest opportunity for improvement considering other factors such as your unique physiological attributes and race distances.
“Equalized” TriDot Scores are measures of your performance ability that take into account age and gender.
Your “threshold” or “FTP” refers to your Functional Threshold Power or Pace and is your primary baseline performance metric for each discipline. Your training and racing intensities are determined and managed relative to your FTPs.
Historically, FTP has been most commonly used in cycling and is defined as the maximum power (in watts) that you can sustain for an all-out, one-hour effort. In swimming, it’s expressed as a pace (per 100 meters or yards). In running, it’s expressed as either run power or grade-adjusted pace (per mile or km).
TriDot will automatically determine your threshold values from your training and assessments.
Your TrainX Scores measure your training execution for training that was uniquely prescribed for you—how well you did the RIGHT training RIGHT.
Your TrainX Score is a single number between 1 and 100 that lets you know how you’re doing with your training. It scores individual training sessions, weekly training, and multi-week training periods.
Learn more about TrainX Scores and be sure to check out this TriDot Podcast episode: Doing the RIGHT Training RIGHT!
TriDot and RaceX are fully integrated companion apps.
TriDot maximizes your fitness given your available training time.
RaceX minimizes your race time given your available fitness.
Learn more about RaceX and be sure to check out this TriDot Podcast episode: Optimizing Your Race Execution!
You don’t have a Threshold heart rate value set. This will cause HR zones to show as 0’s, and HR-related workout data will show as being done in Zone 1 (easiest zone).
There are two ways to address this:
1.) If you know your Threshold heart rate, go to “Threshold History” and update an existing Assessment entry with that value.
2.) Complete an assessment wearing a heart rate device.
Bike and run sessions calling for time spent in your heart rate Zone 2, as indicated by the “Primary Metric” heart icon, are critical for building your aerobic capacity and prompting favorable adaptations in fat metabolism.
It’s important to train in Zone 2 when prescribed rather than creep up into Zone 3 or train at too low of an intensity in Zone 1. Zone 3 does not elicit the same fat burning adaptations and will trigger too much training stress, making it harder for you to recover from the session. Zone 1 can be too relaxed, allowing for recovery but not prompting enough aerobic conditioning to be optimal.
To learn more, listen to these two TriDot Podcast episodes!
O2, VO2 and You. Improving Respiratory Fitness for Better Health & Performance
Your Questions Answered: Z2 Running, Returning from Injury, & More
NTS™ is the consummate method of quantifying the physiological stress from a training session. It considers the session’s discipline type, environment, intensity distribution, intensity levels, intensity durations, and your Training Stress Profile™. Your cumulative NTS values constitute your Normalized Training Load™ as shown in your Training Stress graphs in TriDot and RaceX. Learn more about NTS and check out this TriDot Podcast episode: Normalized Training Stress: Quantifying Stress for Your Success!
EnviroNorm® means more accurate analysis, higher quality training, and better race results. Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, elevation, wind, and terrain have a significant impact on your training and racing. EnviroNorm technology accounts for these variable factors to keep your training and racing spot on! The training and racing paces you see in TriDot and RaceX are “localized” to your actual training or race environment. Learn more about EnviroNorm and check out this TriDot Podcast episode: Consider the Conditions!
Physiogenomix uses your DNA to further optimize your training. Just upload your genome from 23andMe or Your Physiogenomix analysis includes detailed results of more than two dozen genes directly linked to Training Intensity Response, Aerobic Potential, Recovery Rate, and Injury Predisposition. Learn more about Physiogenomix and check out this TriDot Podcast episode: Harness Your DNA to Unleash Your Performance Potential!