get better results, less training, and fewer injuries.

TriDot’s AI-powered technology drives our patents-pending performance optimization. Leveraging the insights from more than 18 years’ of training and race data, TriDot’s proprietary algorithms use AI to generate optimized triathlon training that delivers better results with less training and fewer injuries.
Learn More About Optimized Training
Performance Ability
TriDot Scores are performance ability measures for each discipline for triathletes. Your SwimDot, BikeDot, and RunDot Scores reflect your normalized functional threshold power (FTP) or pace on a 1 to 100 scale with 1 being the slowest and 100 being at or near world-record pace. TriDot Scores allow you to see your relative strength across disciplines, including on an “equalized” basis that normalizes for age and gender.
fully Considers Your
The environment in which you train and compete dramatically impacts your ability to perform. Environment Normalization makes data-driven adjustments to your training and race pace prescriptions to account for these environmental elements:
Elevation Gain
Learn more about EnviroNorm®
Training and Racing with EnviroNorm®​
TriDot uses EnviroNorm to adjust your prescribed paces to account for weather and terrain so that your intensity recommendations are always spot on. When training, you will therefore prompt the perfect level of training stress to maximize adaptations. When racing, you will be prescribed paces that are the optimal paces for you given the set of conditions you will face on race day.
Training without EnviroNorm®
If your run FTP was 7:30 per mile and you were prescribed a 30-minute run session at a 7:55 per mile pace on a cool morning at 55° F and 40% humidity it would be a completely different training experience than if you performed this same session in the afternoon or on a warmer day at 90° F and 80% humidity. The morning session might be prescribed perfectly and effectively drive the desired training adaptations while the same session done in the afternoon might not even be achievable, or would cause significantly more training stress and injury risk than desired.
Factors In Your
Learn More About Physiogenomix™
The first step in reaching your genetic potential is knowing what your genetic potential is. TriDot's optional Physiogenomix™ feature leverages offers unparalleled training optimization based on your genetic profile. It analyzes your genome to measure your Training Intensity Response, Aerobic Potential, Recovery Rate, and Injury Predisposition and optimizes your training accordingly.
Injury Predisposition
Injury Predisposition is a measure of how genetically prone you are to incurring soft-tissue (tendon and ligament) injuries from training.
Training Impact

Your Injury Predisposition primarily influences training intensity and volume, specifically related to high-intensity sessions and rates of increasing volume and long session durations. It can also influence the type warm-up drills and strength training routines that contain high-impact, ballistic movements.

Aerobic Potential
Aerobic Potential is a measure of your potential for developing a high aerobic capacity or high oxygen utilization (VO2max). This is not a measure of your current aerobic capacity. Rather, it is a measure of your aerobic trainability--your potential for improvement with proper training.
Training Impact

Aerobic Potential influences how quickly and to what degree you are able to increase your aerobic fitness. This can impact improvement-rate expectations used when optimizing training focus and periodization of training blocks in both short and long training phases.

Recovery Rate
Recovery Rate is a measure of your genetic ability to recover from exercise-induced oxidative stress and inflammation. This includes the level of stress and inflammation produced and the rate at which it is cleared.
Does TriDot offer coaching?

Your Recovery Rate primarily influences training intensity and frequency, specifically with regard to higher intensity sessions. It can be used proactively when prescribing training to help ensure planned sessions don’t include more training stress than you have time to recover from prior to your next high-intensity session. Recovery Rate can also impact how much time is required to taper for or recover from a race.

Training Intensity Response
Training Intensity Response is a relative measure of how you respond to high-intensity versus low-intensity training. Based on your genetic variations, you are predisposed to have a greater response to either high or low-intensity training.
Training Impact

Training Intensity Response influences your training emphasis and improvement expectations, specifically related to differences between training above your functional (aerobic) threshold versus at or below it. Proper emphasis and expectations help to ensure that training time and intensities are optimized to achieve improvements that are the most beneficial to overall performance.

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Accurately Measures
Training Stress
TriDot's Normalized Training Stress™ (NTS™) is the most complete method of quantifying physiological stress from a training session. It considers the session’s discipline type, environment, intensity distribution, intensity levels, intensity durations, and your Training Stress Profile™ (your ability to absorb training stress).
Stress Metrics
Normalized Training Stress (NTS)
Residual Training Stress (RTS)
Normalized Training Load (NTL)
Performance Readiness
Learn More About Normalized Training Stress™
Measures and Motivates
For Greater Performance
TriDot’s TrainX® score exists to encourage you to “Do the Right Training Right.” By closely executing the workout assigned to you, you will achieve a TrainX® Score closer to 100. Consistently earning scores between 70 and 100 will earn you the greatest fitness gains. TriDot’s nSight engine prescribes the “Right Training” and TrainX gives you the feedback you need to do that training right.
Learn More About TrainX
Use your unique data
To execute on race day
RaceX® delivers your optimized race execution plan. RaceX® is the only technology that combines your training and performance data with anticipated race-specific conditions (temperature, humidity, elevation, wind, terrain, and so forth) to identify your optimal Target Power/Pace and produce your exportable optimized Power Plan for spot-on, race-day pacing and predictions. RaceX® is fully integrated with TriDot and RaceX® Premium is included in all subscriptions Essentials level and above.
Learn more about racex

Questions about TriDot?

Find everything you need to know so that you can use TriDot like a pro and deliver better results in less time with fewer injuries.
Frequently Asked Questions